
How to Practice - For The Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo or Any Other Musical Instrument

How to Practice Taken from Rockstar Supply Practice is a subject that gets very little attention in the majority of instructional material out there. There is an overwhelming amount of nfl throwback jerseys information that is given to students but never explained. Speaking as a teacher it is sometimes easy to assume. I believe that happens a lot in the majority of books out there today as well. A lesson is given and it is assumed by the teacher, since he or she already knows the material, that the student will automatically know how to get the best out of the lesson as well. So before we go any further lets take a moment to talk a little on how to practice.
1. Take out your notebook and turn to a new section. We are not going to forget about the section for our finger exercises but we are just going to build upon what we already have.
2. Next, take a moment and figure out how much time you can honestly invest each and EVERY day to practice. If you can practice 2 hours on Monday and 30 minutes on Tuesday than that's what you can practice: write it down. This will allow us to break this amount of time up and cover various areas in our playing. Before we start to schedule our days practice let's take a look at the different areas of focus.
* Songs
* Technique
* Speed
* Ear Training
* Scales
* Backup/Chords
1. Songs – This is a natural place that most people automatically think of when they are told to practice. The problem is most people only focus on the songs they already know. This is fine, especially when you are starting out; you do not want to have so much to work on that you feel overwhelmed. But you HAVE to start learning new material if you are going to get better. One cheap nfl jerseys thing that I have done that helps, is to break things up like this:
a.Turn to a fresh page in your notebook and write "songs I know" at the top.
b. Take all the songs you know and write them down.
c. Ok, let's say you know 12 songs and you can practice 6 days a week.
d. Now go down the list and pick two songs to practice everyday.
e. Now write down the speed that you normally practice them at while using your metronome. (You are using your metronome right?!)
f. Lastly, when you practice them stay within your time limit. Set that timer! If you have 10 minutes to practice two songs then set the timer at 5 minutes. When it's up then move on. I realize that sometimes there are things that need more focus then 5 minutes, but over time, this is the best approach I can advise you on. Now let's move on to the nfl jerseys we want to learn.
a. Take out your notebook and at the top of a new page write "songs I want to learn".
b. Now keep a list of 5 – 10 songs that you would like to learn in the future. This gives us a clear goal to accomplish.
c. Pick 1 new song to work on. d. Now set a goal for the week. i.e. "I want to be able to play up to measure 15 at normal speed by Friday." e. Work on this song until you have it down perfect before moving on to a new one. After you have moved on write this song down on the page with all the other songs you can play.
2. Technique – Let's move on now to our technique. Technique practice is the same idea as an athlete lifting weights or conditioning for an event. These are exercises we do to get our fingers coordinated and "in shape" for show time. We are not concerned about speed at this moment; we will work on that later. Right now we just want to make sure we play everything in time and cleanly.
a. Take out your notebook again and write down all of your exercises that you have been working on, right and left hand.
b. If you followed the advice in the previous chapters you should have a pretty good handle on what to do here. If not go back and review those chapters.
3. Speed – This is basically the same idea as technique however now our football jersey focus is on speed. We might not be quite as clean with each not as we work on our speed, but try not to let them get sloppy!
Your instructions for this are the same as above. However your speeds should be a good bit faster for this area of practice. NOTE: MAKE SURE TO PRACTICE TECHNIQUE AND SPEED SEPERATELY! THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT AREA'S AND NEED TO BE APROCHED INDUVIDUALLY!
4. Ear Training – I would venture to say that a VERY small percentage of people ever work on this. It is essential to develop our ears to recognize notes, rhythms, and chord changes. There are several ways to go about this:

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