"The T. Ocho Show" premieres Oct. 12 on, but the network will air sneak-peak segments for five weeks before, starting Tuesday, Sept. 7 on "The Daily Line." In the football jersey
meantime, Ochocinco sat down with FanHouse's Ryan Wilson for a wide-ranging interview that touched on everything from Roger Goodell, social vs. mainstream media, Chad's various off-field entrepreneurial endeavors and, of course, T.O.
Enjoy. And don't forget: get a glimpse of "The T. Ocho Show" on Versus tonight and each week until the premiere on Oct. 12.
Ryan Wilson: Hey, Chad.
Chad Ochocinco: Ryan, is this you?
Ryan: (Laughing)
Chad: What is up, man?
Ryan: (Still laughing) You got it, buddy. Thanks for taking some time to talk to me. Let's get started because I know you're busy -- I see you've already been tweeting today.
Chad: Hey, I'm never busy, man, it's your world. I'm here for you.
Ryan: All right, that's what I like to hear. So you've got all this social media stuff going now. You got Twitter, UStream, OCNN, your reality shows, your cereals, your pretend condoms ...
Chad: (Laughing) No, those condoms are serious. They're coming ... they work 85 percent of the time, the other 15 percent you're on your own.
Ryan: (Laughing) So let me ask you, do you ever hear from coaches, or even media members or fans, who think you're spreading yourself too thin?
Chad: No. Not at all. Is there such a thing?
Ryan: Well, I mean, your performance hasn't dropped so that could be your argument. But sometimes, when your part-time jobs get in the way of your primary job, people tend to wonder if you're not focused enough. But you could always say your numbers are ...
Chad: Nah. It's me. It's me. In fact, that wouldn't work. My focus will always be the same. And the whole thing is, you never allow -- you know, because of my main job I've been able to do other things off the field. I will continue to do so. You know, God has blessed me to be good at one thing, and he's definitely allowed me to have other endeavors to do off the field. So, of course, that's what people would say but my work ethic will always keep me on top of my game. Which I've always been good at. The reason I've been successful is because of the way I work. Ryan: And I think sometimes, at least when Chad Ochocinco first came on the scene eight or nine years ago, people thought that your persona wasn't really the person you are. But I get the sense that, from watching you in interviews and watching you when you've been more serious, this is exactly the person you are and that you're very passionate about everything you embrace. Does that sound about right?
Chad: Very. Especially football. Of course, you know, the perception of me might be a little different because of my style of play, the way I am -- I'm very boisterous, I'm outgoing, I say what I want, I say how I feel if I don't like it. You know, it is what it is. I want to win just like everybody else, just the way I go about it is a little different.
Ryan: And to compare you to your new teammate Terrell Owens, it seems like people actually -- in points and times in Terrell's career, people really did not like him very much. But I get the sense the people have always liked you. I know that I've always liked you. I'll let you in on a little secret: I'm a Steelers fan, but I love Chad Ochocinco the person ...
Chad: (Laughing) Thank you.
Ryan: ... and I never get the sense that anything you're doing is malicious, or with the intent to make someone else look bad. You're just having fun.
Chad: Always, always. I mean, everything I do is to have fun. And all you have to do is look at some of the things I say, look at some of the things I do. It's always about challenging my opponent, and making those around me better, and mainly forcing me to play at a high level, week in and week out. Which is -- you know, I'm surprised some people (in the media) haven't caught on to why I do some of the things I do week in and week out. It's to make sure I continue to play at a high level no Minnesota Vikings jersey
matter what happens. That's it.
Ryan: Talking about Twitter and talking about the NFL, the commissioner -- the league, anyway -- slapped you with a $25,000 fine for tweeting too close to game time. And I saw that you sent Goodell a tweet and you kind of rferred to him as your dad for watching out for you. Now do you ever hear from him? Or when you meet him does he say anything about all the stuff you do?
Chad: You know what's funny? Goodell and I talk all the time. We talk all the time. I think I might be the only NFL player that has his personal cell phone number and e-mail.
Ryan: (Laughing)
Chad: You're laughing but I'm dead serious.
Ryan: No, I believe you and I bet Goodell actually likes you a lot. And he probably thinks you're good for the game even though he tries to portray the league as something that's very prim and proper.
Chad: It is. And the league has an image to uphold but I'm not one of those who breaks that image. I'm sort of like that bad kid ...
Ryan: You're the kid in the back of third grade who is always interrupting class.
Chad: Exactly. But I'm not doing the things that hamper the image of the NFL, you know?
Ryan: I agree. I totally agree and I'm sure Goodell feels the same way he just can't tell anybody that in public. So changing gears, you and Terrell have a new reality show -- another reality show for both of you -- and it's called the "T. Ocho Show". And from what I've heard it's loosely based on the style of "PTI," you guys are going to go back and forth ...
Chad: That's kind of right but I wouldn't compare it to "PTI." I wouldn't compare it any of those other sports radio talk shows or TV shows because ours will be a lot more different, a lot more raw. You know, I think the information we will give a lot more refreshing to the public as getting sports from a player's perspective -- not retired players, we're talking about players still playing at an extremely high level in their careers. And it's going to be fun -- and it's just not going to be football. Dallas Cowboys jersey
We're talking about all sports: basketball, soccer, hockey, swimming ... everything. You name it, we'll be able to discuss it and talk about it.
Ryan: Now you've said in the past that part of the reason you've taken to Twitter and OCNN is because you want the news to be unfiltered. You don't want someone in the media telling Chad's story.